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Featured Suppliers

Beacon MedTech Solutions

Pneuline Supply Inc.

International Supplier of Pneumatic Fittings & Components / Manufacturer of Miniature Plastic Valves and Filters for the OEM, Medical, Biomedical, Automotive, Industrial, and Food & Beverage Industries.
Product lines include: Valves, Luers, Mufflers, Orifices, Regulators, Manifolds, Tubing, Clamps, Adapters, Garden Hose, Gauges, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, Bushings, Pipe Caps, Unions, Swivels, Crosses, Extenders and more. Types of Valves include Needle, Check, Relief, Fixed Flow Control, Toggle, Metered Flow Control, Ball, Bull Port, Globe & Duckbill Valves. Types of Tubing includes PTFE, PVDF, Santoprene, FKM, Vinyl, Nylon, PVC, Silicone, Polypropylene, Polyurethane, HDPE & Polyethylene Tubing.

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